2009 |
Chiari Y.
& A. Stumpel (2009): Report of the Conservation Committee.
Amphibia-Reptilia 30: 299-302 |
2008 |
A. (2008): Report by the Chair of the Conservation Committee.
Amphibia-Reptilia 29(2): 295-296. |
2007 |
P. & D.R. Bird (2007): Action Plan for the Conservation of the
Crested Newt Triturus cristatus Species Complex in Europe. The
Herpetological Conservation Trust, Bournemouth. 35 pp.
Edgar, P.
& D.R. Bird (2007): Action Plan for the Conservation of the
Agile Frog (Rana latastei) in Europe. The Herpetological Conservation
Trust, Bournemouth. 23 pp.
Edgar, P. & D.R. Bird (2007):
Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) in
Northwest Europe. The Herpetological Conservation Trust, Bournemouth.
23 pp.
Edgar, P. & D.R. Bird (2007): Action Plan for the
Conservation of the Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) in Europe.
The Herpetological Conservation Trust, Bournemouth. 23 pp.
P. & D.R. Bird (2007): Action Plan for the Conservation of the
Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii) in Europe. The Herpetological
Conservation Trust, Bournemouth. 38 pp.
2006 |
Stumpel, A.
(2006): Report of the SEH Conservation Committee 2003-2005. Amphibia-
Reptilia 27(1): 155-156. |
2005 |
A.H.P. & K.F. Corbett (2005): Mapping important herpetofaunal
in northern Europe. In N. Ananjeva & O. Tsinenko (eds.):
Herpetologia Petropolitana. Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General
Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologia, August 12-16, 2003, St.
Petersburg. Russian Journal of Herpetology 12(Suppl.): 219-221 |
2004 |
P. & A. Stumpel (2004): Protection of amphibians and
reptiles/Protection des amphibiens et des reptiles. Naturopa 101: 28. |
2003 |
Corbett, K.
(2003): Report of the Conservation Committee 2001/2002. Amphibia-
Reptilia 24(2): 247-248. |
2001 |
Corbett, K.
(2001): Report of the Conservation Committee 1999/2000. Amphibia-
Reptilia 22(2): 270-271. |
# This list
may be incomplete.
Please report omissions to the SEH Conservation Committee.
No longer available. |